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The primary asset of any business is its organization.

"Success is a journey, not a destination."

"Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference."

"Coming together is a beginning, keeping together is progress, working together is success." - Henry Ford

"Those who profit most are those that give the most."

"In the middle of every difficulty, lies opportunity."

"Pride is a personal commitment. It is an attitude that separates excellence from mediocrity."

"Take away my factories, my plants, take away my railroads, my ships, my transportation; take away my money, strip me of all these, but leave me my men, and in two or three years, I will have them all again.” A. Carnegie

Andrew Carnegie

"You can't build a reputation on what you are going to do."

"Teamwork is the collective talents of many individuals."

"Success doesn't come to you, you go to it."

"Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm."

"It's amazing what a team can accomplish when no one cares who gets the credit."

"The reward of a task that is well done is in being called to do a bigger one."

"Challenges can be stepping stones or stumbling blocks. It's just a matter of how you view them."


Company Directory

Company Directory/Executives

Michael Vesprini, President
Extension 201
Direct Line 617-336-1201

Mark Olson, Vice President-Finance
Extension 203
Direct Line 617-336-1203


Hieu Do
Extension 223
Direct Line 617-336-1223


Russell Hubbard
Extension 204
Direct Line 617-336-1204
Dan Brennan
Extension 228
Direct Line 617-336-1228

Field & Installation Management

Skip Roberts
Extension 225
Direct Line 617-336-1225
Dean Machado
Extension 206
Direct Line 617-336-1206

Sales / Project Management

Patrick Nichols
Extension 202
Direct Line 617-336-1202
Lenny Ficaro
Extension 214
Direct Line 617-336-1214
Adrienne Hubbard
Extension 205
Direct Line 617-336-1205
Michelle Rezendes
Extension 207
Direct Line 617-336-1207

Operations / Scheduling / Shipping & Receiving

Frank Whitcomb, Vice President-Operations
Extension 210
Direct Line 617-336-1210